
Part Time Addict

I think I'm becoming obnoxiously obsessed with fashion. It's taken over my life. I can spend hours surfing the internet collecting wish lists on various websites knowing that I can't afford them. Being a college student sucks. I'd rather live a life of shopping, rich men, fun, laughter, free, delicious wine, beaches, fabulous friends.

Woe is me. I like to imagine my body as a willowy waif or toned amazon . But truth be told I'm brown skinned, afro wearing, 5'4, curvy, thick thighs, hips, butt, and a 38C (and a bit of pudge in the stomach but I'm on Kanye's Workout Plan). Woe is defintely me. I recently read "The Debuante Divorcee" and I'm inspired to wear what I dream of wearing. The most outrageous clothing, dresses, hats, jewelry. Think Olsen Twins/London-Paris Street Fashion/Kira Plastina/American Eagle/Punk-Rock/Wet Seal-XXI-Charlotte Russe-H&M. Yea I'm all over the place.

Point blank. I love to shop. And I mourn that I can't wear what I want. Because than I'd have to wear heels all the time. Which wouldn't suck. But I'd truly like to wear flats as often as possible. Would that be achievable? I dearly wish it would be. I am convinced that I will dress like that.

I have even come up with a name. Distressed Chic. I dress in dark colors often. My friends think I'm depressed because I shy away from bright colors. But I don't need to stand out. I already do.


Websites I love to Visit... This List isn't exhaustive:

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