I was adopted in 1991 --I was 4-- and one of my memories that I will treasure forever, is riding around in my mom's (adoptive and perfectly awesome and the only Mom that I will ever have!) White Thunderbird, we were in the McDonald's drive thru and while we were waiting for our order, she popped in a cassette of Vanessa L Williams. The cassette only had two songs; Freedom Dance (Get Free!) & Save The Best For Last. Like all individuals who think on their past-- there is something that makes your heart go warm/fuzzy or there is something that makes you feel safe and secure. Those two songs were the foundation of my childhood --I don't think there was a time that I didn't hear those songs. Clearly, I associated happiness and family moments with that cassette and even now when I hear those two songs I always felt like anything was possible.
I just want to lift my arms and soar whenever the Freedom Dance comes on. As an young adult (because I am only 23); I am now associating different emotions with Save The Best For Last; but the feeling is still the same.. a quest for hope.
Google; Grooveshark; and Check out the songs! :)
Small Fam Get Together: Jan 2010
Holiday Special --You Must Be Deaf: Lil Shun Hendrix
I don't really celebrate Christmas but I do honor what the day is supposed to signify. So have a wonderful day with your loved ones!
ps. Eleven-year old, Lil Shun Hendrix has a beautiful voice!
ps. Eleven-year old, Lil Shun Hendrix has a beautiful voice!
87HairStyles: 2011 Hair Ideas!
Like, most women I'm all excited for the New Years look. The transformation from the old into the new. Most specifically my hair. As we all know black women are all about their hair; and while I'd like to front and say I could give a fig -------- not true.
So I was checking out the Coco&Creme article about finding the right bangs for your face shape. And I got so geeked. I've been wanting to wear bangs for a minute -- especially the bob. But I didn't know if I could pull it off. Honestly I'm not comfortable with wearing straight weaves -- it took me a while to get used to micros but I think according to the article I have a heart shaped face with some circle-ish tendencies?? lol So check out the article and see what your face shape is:
But back to me; These are some hair styles I'm interested in.. thoughts & suggestions??
So I was checking out the Coco&Creme article about finding the right bangs for your face shape. And I got so geeked. I've been wanting to wear bangs for a minute -- especially the bob. But I didn't know if I could pull it off. Honestly I'm not comfortable with wearing straight weaves -- it took me a while to get used to micros but I think according to the article I have a heart shaped face with some circle-ish tendencies?? lol So check out the article and see what your face shape is:
But back to me; These are some hair styles I'm interested in.. thoughts & suggestions??
You Must Be Deaf: Bobby Ray's New Mixtape & Exclusive Interview via Zuri Hall
If you all remember from my September spotlight -- B.O.B. aka Bobby Ray has replaced Usher & Trey Songz as my celebrity crush (HOLD UP.. I STILL LOVE MY BOO DWIGHT HOWARD). Bobby Ray Simmons has a new mixtape titled "No Genre" and of course I'm geeked. His latest song "Beast Mode" is ..... frikkin awesome! So click the play button and go crazy!
I hope ya'll didn't think I was done! Check out my bff's Zuri Hall exclusive interview with Bobby Ray Simmons. And yes I eventually forgave her for not getting me his John Hancock or his number! :D
I hope ya'll didn't think I was done! Check out my bff's Zuri Hall exclusive interview with Bobby Ray Simmons. And yes I eventually forgave her for not getting me his John Hancock or his number! :D
Must See: Jesse Williams aka Dr. Jackson Avery
In love much? Greys Anatomy has always been a fave show of mine; but its gotten so much better since Dr. Avery joined the cast in season 6.
Brief Bio:
AGE 29 -- LEO
ROMANTIC STATUS Engaged; His fiancée, a real estate agent, "is her own person," he says. "Being intelligent and self-made is a big deal for me."
EDUCATION: Temple University, with degrees in African American Studies and Film & Media Arts
Brief Bio:
AGE 29 -- LEO
ROMANTIC STATUS Engaged; His fiancée, a real estate agent, "is her own person," he says. "Being intelligent and self-made is a big deal for me."
EDUCATION: Temple University, with degrees in African American Studies and Film & Media Arts
You Must Be Deaf!:Impossible-Cinderella
Impossible, for a plain yellow pumpkin to become a golden carriage, Impossible, for a plain country bumpkin and a prince to join in marriage, and four white mice will never be four white horses. Such falderal and fiddle dee dee of course is, impossible. But the world is full of zanies and fools, who don't believe in sensible rules, and won't believe what sensible people say, and because these daft and dewy-eyed dopes keep building up impossible hopes, impossible things are happining everyday.
You’re a stubborn sweetheart... You “love” him/her only because he/she loves you. If his/her flame puts out, you let go with no trouble.
You’re intimidating! People have an impression that you’re elite—or if not, you simply look sophisticated. You gain praises but not companions.
Here is the analysis : ...
웃 : You love the crowd... a party animal!
웃 : You hide your emotions... Sometimes pretending to be ...always happy.
웃 : You search for love...
웃 : You appreciate simple things in life...
웃 : You’re independent!
You’re a stubborn sweetheart... You “love” him/her only because he/she loves you. If his/her flame puts out, you let go with no trouble.
You’re intimidating! People have an impression that you’re elite—or if not, you simply look sophisticated. You gain praises but not companions.
Here is the analysis : ...
웃 : You love the crowd... a party animal!
웃 : You hide your emotions... Sometimes pretending to be ...always happy.
웃 : You search for love...
웃 : You appreciate simple things in life...
웃 : You’re independent!
From Sangria to a Stick of Gum
Hey Friends,
So where did I leave off?? Sight-Seeing correct?? Ok, so after I saw the majority of the sites of Barcelona and I knocked off a few more museums I finally went back to the hostel and go dolled up and made plans to eat some traditional Catalan food, drink sangria, and meet up with some people from Couch Surfing. What happened was me being all dolled up and staying on the internet for about 2 hours. I know such a jerk move. But I did meet up with the CSer's (along with 2 girls I met at the hostel; Sheba (who is from Paris) & Virginia (who is from Brazil but lives in Paris). We caught the metro, found the bar, and it's like we stepped into paradise.
For every woman, there was like 10 guys. No lie. Majority of them were deliciously hot. I now know what it feels like to be a man. My neck aches from whipping it around. The guys we met complained of the huge numbers and I told them that in the US the ration is vastly different -- 30 US women to 1 US man. That actually explains why women aren't married. But, yea so we had a few beers and lots of good convo and I was ashamed.
So where did I leave off?? Sight-Seeing correct?? Ok, so after I saw the majority of the sites of Barcelona and I knocked off a few more museums I finally went back to the hostel and go dolled up and made plans to eat some traditional Catalan food, drink sangria, and meet up with some people from Couch Surfing. What happened was me being all dolled up and staying on the internet for about 2 hours. I know such a jerk move. But I did meet up with the CSer's (along with 2 girls I met at the hostel; Sheba (who is from Paris) & Virginia (who is from Brazil but lives in Paris). We caught the metro, found the bar, and it's like we stepped into paradise.
For every woman, there was like 10 guys. No lie. Majority of them were deliciously hot. I now know what it feels like to be a man. My neck aches from whipping it around. The guys we met complained of the huge numbers and I told them that in the US the ration is vastly different -- 30 US women to 1 US man. That actually explains why women aren't married. But, yea so we had a few beers and lots of good convo and I was ashamed.
I'm in Love with BCN
Hey Friends,
When I visit a city I always try to figure out if I could live there or not; most of the cities I've visited don't make the cut except for Berlin, possibly Munich, and Verona. I will have to add Barcelona to my list. Everything is pretty much simple to understand in regards to navigation --tho I did get confused several times, but I utilized my map and got around. But yea I think I love her...
So, what happened today?? Ok let's start with last night, I met this amazing French girl who has the most awesomest name EVER ...Sheba like the Queen of Sheba --- which coincidentally is another name for Ethiopia ... and I thought I was cultured. Anyhoo, we decided to hit the clubs with the hostel and meet up at 1:30am. By than I had two beers on an empty stomach and was feeling quite BUzzzEd. I went and got a wack version of a doner and I fell asleep. Luckily I had the foresight to get dressed beforehand.
When I visit a city I always try to figure out if I could live there or not; most of the cities I've visited don't make the cut except for Berlin, possibly Munich, and Verona. I will have to add Barcelona to my list. Everything is pretty much simple to understand in regards to navigation --tho I did get confused several times, but I utilized my map and got around. But yea I think I love her...
So, what happened today?? Ok let's start with last night, I met this amazing French girl who has the most awesomest name EVER ...Sheba like the Queen of Sheba --- which coincidentally is another name for Ethiopia ... and I thought I was cultured. Anyhoo, we decided to hit the clubs with the hostel and meet up at 1:30am. By than I had two beers on an empty stomach and was feeling quite BUzzzEd. I went and got a wack version of a doner and I fell asleep. Luckily I had the foresight to get dressed beforehand.
Molestations & Museums
Hey Luvvies!
So, here's the official update on my Friday adventures of BCN.
--Woke up around 830am and decided I wanted to tour via a go-car.
What the hell was I thinking?? So, apparently driving this "car" is like a motorcycle or a scooter. Let me insert, if I were driving a scooter or motorcycle all would end up badly due to my horrible coordination. However, I went the optimistic route of "it can't be that hard." So, after the initial scare of having to deposit 300Euro just in case I crashed
Let's break it down.
--If I crashed the car I'd have to pay 300Euro plus my own insurance
-- There was a huge possibility of me being stopped by the cops cuz I don't have an international license .. hello I have the face that gets stopped. I'm too cute so I must be doing something wrong...
Anyhoo the 300Euro never went down due to me not having a 1,000,000$ credit limit, so the company settled for my passport and 100Euro.
So, here's the official update on my Friday adventures of BCN.
--Woke up around 830am and decided I wanted to tour via a go-car.
What the hell was I thinking?? So, apparently driving this "car" is like a motorcycle or a scooter. Let me insert, if I were driving a scooter or motorcycle all would end up badly due to my horrible coordination. However, I went the optimistic route of "it can't be that hard." So, after the initial scare of having to deposit 300Euro just in case I crashed
Let's break it down.
--If I crashed the car I'd have to pay 300Euro plus my own insurance
-- There was a huge possibility of me being stopped by the cops cuz I don't have an international license .. hello I have the face that gets stopped. I'm too cute so I must be doing something wrong...
Anyhoo the 300Euro never went down due to me not having a 1,000,000$ credit limit, so the company settled for my passport and 100Euro.
Hanging around Geneva Airport
Hello Luvvies
Right now I'm sitting in the Geneva airport waiting for my flight to Barcelona.
Quick facts:
-- missed my 6am flight
-- really pissed off that I was forced to miss my 6am flight
-- actually left the house on time .. dont understand how I missed it
-- I'm not down with it snowing in November ... jerks
-- I bought another plane ticket because I refuse to miss my long waited holiday
-- Thank Goodness for CREDIT CARDS
-- I felt like a G swiping that card to pay for my new trip
-- I feel like such a bum for being pumped about that
-- Bored as all get out!
-- Still haven't found the love of my life
-- Most likely because I've been glued to this internet since I've arrived in Geneva
Right now I'm sitting in the Geneva airport waiting for my flight to Barcelona.
Quick facts:
-- missed my 6am flight
-- really pissed off that I was forced to miss my 6am flight
-- actually left the house on time .. dont understand how I missed it
-- I'm not down with it snowing in November ... jerks
-- I bought another plane ticket because I refuse to miss my long waited holiday
-- Thank Goodness for CREDIT CARDS
-- I felt like a G swiping that card to pay for my new trip
-- I feel like such a bum for being pumped about that
-- Bored as all get out!
-- Still haven't found the love of my life
-- Most likely because I've been glued to this internet since I've arrived in Geneva
Youtuber of The Week
If you are an avid youtuber subcriber or you love to upload vlogs; be sure to send me your information so I can spotlight you! :)
You Must Be Deaf: Electro/House
Saw this on a fellow blogger's page-- SHOUTOUT to Amanda aka LouderThanThat; I really love this song. Since I've been in Germany I'm becoming a fan of Electro/House music. It isn't hard to dance too-- just dance how you feel. It's so fun and a great break from the Hip Hop sections of the clubs:
Check Out Drake's Version of a Little Bit:
Check Out Drake's Version of a Little Bit:
5 Days until BCN Madness
Hey Friends
So it's officaly 5 days until I leave for Spain, most specifically BARCELONA! I'll be there Thurs Nov 24-Sun Nov 28 I'm still tryna figure out a title for my trip.........
I'm thinking:
I'm uber excited and scared to travel solo via RyanAir...
So it's officaly 5 days until I leave for Spain, most specifically BARCELONA! I'll be there Thurs Nov 24-Sun Nov 28 I'm still tryna figure out a title for my trip.........
I'm thinking:
- Barcelona Locura
- 87PageS Barcelona
- I'm not V or C Just ME: Barci Style
- Vicky Cristina & 87PageS
- Barna & I
I'm uber excited and scared to travel solo via RyanAir...
You Must Be Deaf!: Exclusive Travis Porter Interview
So November 10 I had the opportunity to see hip-hop trio; Travis Porter perform at a local club in Nabburg, Germany. Let's just say believe the hype; this group has so much energy, enthusiasm, and did I mention energy. There wasn't a dull moment during their mini-concert and the fans (American Soldiers, Dependents, Spouses, Civilians and the German Nationals) were giving back the love ten-fold!
The fellas were totally geeked to have their latest song Make It Rain hit the Top 50 in the Hip-Hop and R&B Charts –which is doubly awesome considering they are an independent label. The young men that make up Travis Porter have known each other since elementary school and they all reside in Georgia.
Travis Porter Stats:
Alright, so let’s dive into this INTERVIEW!
87PageS: Ok I must admit I was very confused at your concert—I kept saying which one is Travis Porter. Clearly you must get that question a lot, so now the ultimate question is; are ya’ll sadistic or was this a part of the game plan/ and how did ya’ll come up with the name?
Quez: (Laughs) No but It was intentionally made to be a conversation piece. So when people saw three people on stage they would wanna YouTube or Google the group.
87PageS: Now, that we’ve gotten that out of the way; why did you all pick Germany and how long have you been here?
Quez: Actually, we didn’t pick Germany. They picked us. We go where the people want. We’ve been here since 11/4 and we leave 11/14.
The fellas were totally geeked to have their latest song Make It Rain hit the Top 50 in the Hip-Hop and R&B Charts –which is doubly awesome considering they are an independent label. The young men that make up Travis Porter have known each other since elementary school and they all reside in Georgia.
Travis Porter Stats:
Alright, so let’s dive into this INTERVIEW!
87PageS: Ok I must admit I was very confused at your concert—I kept saying which one is Travis Porter. Clearly you must get that question a lot, so now the ultimate question is; are ya’ll sadistic or was this a part of the game plan/ and how did ya’ll come up with the name?
Quez: (Laughs) No but It was intentionally made to be a conversation piece. So when people saw three people on stage they would wanna YouTube or Google the group.
87PageS: Now, that we’ve gotten that out of the way; why did you all pick Germany and how long have you been here?
Quez: Actually, we didn’t pick Germany. They picked us. We go where the people want. We’ve been here since 11/4 and we leave 11/14.
You Must Be Deaf!: Little Dragon
Fellow blogger TDF http://khalfani-rice.blogspot.com/ put me onto this group. Usually I'm not into electronic music but He has an excellent ear when it comes to making beats and music in general. So I was willing to take a listen;
TDF is actually apart of the group the Great Lakes Crew--recently spotlighted in my blog http://87pages.blogspot.com/2010/10/you-must-be-deaf-great-lakes-crew.html
Little Dragon hails from Sweden and consist of 4 Swedes; your attention will be most likely be centered on front woman Yukimi Nagano ; Her vocals are so crisp. She reminds me of Corrine Bailey Rae/Erykah Bady but in a more hardcore way. Either way I'm officially a fan and I'm putting this on my To-Do List for albums to buy!
I couldn't really decide what video to play so I def urge ya'll to check out http://www.myspace.com/yourlittledragon to hear more songs!
TDF is actually apart of the group the Great Lakes Crew--recently spotlighted in my blog http://87pages.blogspot.com/2010/10/you-must-be-deaf-great-lakes-crew.html
Little Dragon hails from Sweden and consist of 4 Swedes; your attention will be most likely be centered on front woman Yukimi Nagano ; Her vocals are so crisp. She reminds me of Corrine Bailey Rae/Erykah Bady but in a more hardcore way. Either way I'm officially a fan and I'm putting this on my To-Do List for albums to buy!
I couldn't really decide what video to play so I def urge ya'll to check out http://www.myspace.com/yourlittledragon to hear more songs!
Angels Surround Me
Hey Friends,
I haven't actually written a personal blog piece in awhile so let me update you on the past week. As everyone knows I'm always super geeked for Halloween -- I love to dress up. I had all these awesome costume ideas
1. Cat Woman
2. Lady Gaga
3. Little Monster (Lady Gaga fan)
4. Cats the Musical
5. Sexy Astronaut
Unfortunately I wound up being a bizarre looking fairy with a pair of angel wings and a tiara. I looked a mess but my makeup was on point.
So on Oct 30 my friend Mia (she was a pirate) and I decided to hit up Munich for the festivities. I drove [her car] and we hit Kultfabrik (which is like a huge warehouse sectioned off into 40 different clubs) so we check out a few clubs; and were semi-disappointed, Germans do not know how to celebrate Halloween. Sure they were dressed up but mostly as vamps or they looked like burn victims. Not sexy in the least. Def, missed my undergrad Halloween experiences.
So skip to the end of an uneventful night and we decide to head back to Mia's house--which is like an 1hr 18mins from Munich; but were we actually live in Vilseck is 2hrs away.
Again, I'm driving. Tired but a trouper to the end. Mia lays her chair down to sleep. So I'm driving at about 85mph on the autobahn on cruise control in mens shower shoes;
I know stupid me.
I haven't actually written a personal blog piece in awhile so let me update you on the past week. As everyone knows I'm always super geeked for Halloween -- I love to dress up. I had all these awesome costume ideas
1. Cat Woman
2. Lady Gaga
3. Little Monster (Lady Gaga fan)
4. Cats the Musical
5. Sexy Astronaut
Unfortunately I wound up being a bizarre looking fairy with a pair of angel wings and a tiara. I looked a mess but my makeup was on point.
So on Oct 30 my friend Mia (she was a pirate) and I decided to hit up Munich for the festivities. I drove [her car] and we hit Kultfabrik (which is like a huge warehouse sectioned off into 40 different clubs) so we check out a few clubs; and were semi-disappointed, Germans do not know how to celebrate Halloween. Sure they were dressed up but mostly as vamps or they looked like burn victims. Not sexy in the least. Def, missed my undergrad Halloween experiences.
So skip to the end of an uneventful night and we decide to head back to Mia's house--which is like an 1hr 18mins from Munich; but were we actually live in Vilseck is 2hrs away.
Again, I'm driving. Tired but a trouper to the end. Mia lays her chair down to sleep. So I'm driving at about 85mph on the autobahn on cruise control in mens shower shoes;
I know stupid me.
One Of Us
If God had a name what would it be?
And would you call it to his face?
If you were faced with him
In all his glory
What would you ask if you had just one question?
*And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
If God had a face what would it look like?
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that
you would have to believe
in things like heaven and in Jesus and the saints
and all the prophets
Trying to make his way home
Back up to heaven all alone
Nobody calling on the phone
'cept for the Pope maybe in Rome
Just trying to make his way home
Like a holy rolling stone
Back up to heaven all alone
Just trying to make his way home
Nobody calling on the phone
'cept for the Pope maybe in Rome
And would you call it to his face?
If you were faced with him
In all his glory
What would you ask if you had just one question?
*And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
If God had a face what would it look like?
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that
you would have to believe
in things like heaven and in Jesus and the saints
and all the prophets
Trying to make his way home
Back up to heaven all alone
Nobody calling on the phone
'cept for the Pope maybe in Rome
Just trying to make his way home
Like a holy rolling stone
Back up to heaven all alone
Just trying to make his way home
Nobody calling on the phone
'cept for the Pope maybe in Rome
You Must Be Deaf!: Mercy-Duffy
"I love you
but i gotta stay true
my morals got me on my knees
im begging please stop playing games
i dont know what this is
cus you got me good
just like you knew you would
i dont know what you do
but you do it well
me under your spell
You got me begging you for mercy
why wont you relase me
you got me begging you for mercy
why wont you release me
I said release me"
but i gotta stay true
my morals got me on my knees
im begging please stop playing games
i dont know what this is
cus you got me good
just like you knew you would
i dont know what you do
but you do it well
me under your spell
You got me begging you for mercy
why wont you relase me
you got me begging you for mercy
why wont you release me
I said release me"
Official Countdown to Espana
37 Days until I began my solo adventure to SPAIN..
Uber excited.
My flight was 16 Euro.. but all the things I purchased pushed it to 71.50euro... I'm planning to buy a EuroRail--Spain specific; and I haven't yet decided on hostels.. I've made a rough itinerary and when I get the details squared away I'll let ya'll know!
Uber excited.
My flight was 16 Euro.. but all the things I purchased pushed it to 71.50euro... I'm planning to buy a EuroRail--Spain specific; and I haven't yet decided on hostels.. I've made a rough itinerary and when I get the details squared away I'll let ya'll know!
The computer I desire
Sephora's Having a SALE!
Hey Friends!
I've always heard of Sephora but I haven't had the "pleasure" of buying from them. But I was looking through the clearance/sale items and was very impressed. I'ma visit a Sephora in Germany and compare their face makeup with MACs.
Here are some items I'd probably buy:

Bare Escentuals Mineral Veil Mini Refillable Buffing Brush (Original Price $26), $22

Bare Escentuals Retro Lounge Eye Kit (Original Price $24), $13.50

Stila Paint Your Pout Red - The Talking Palette ($60 Value) (Original Price $45), $15
I've always heard of Sephora but I haven't had the "pleasure" of buying from them. But I was looking through the clearance/sale items and was very impressed. I'ma visit a Sephora in Germany and compare their face makeup with MACs.
Here are some items I'd probably buy:

Bare Escentuals Mineral Veil Mini Refillable Buffing Brush (Original Price $26), $22

Bare Escentuals Retro Lounge Eye Kit (Original Price $24), $13.50

Stila Paint Your Pout Red - The Talking Palette ($60 Value) (Original Price $45), $15
Part 2 Recap "Scotty Doesn't Know" Road Trip
So we finally got to Prague. Honestly it was very pretty but I wasn't like in awe. Perhaps because I've never been interested in the Czech Republic. Either way I did enjoy the sites. We took a tour of Prague and it sucked. I blame it on the tour guide; he was extremely low in volume and somewhat monotone. Like I have no idea what I saw and it we left in the middle of the tour.
Click the video to see the sites:
I met some cool Scottish folk who were in Prague for a football (European) game. They lost but they seemed to take it in stride. Which is good since supposedly there were about 8,000 Scots. I was overly impressed with their manliness, kilts, and their oh so charming.
Click the video to see the Parade of Kilts:
Click the video to see the sites:
I met some cool Scottish folk who were in Prague for a football (European) game. They lost but they seemed to take it in stride. Which is good since supposedly there were about 8,000 Scots. I was overly impressed with their manliness, kilts, and their oh so charming.
Click the video to see the Parade of Kilts:
Recap: Scotty Doesn't Know Road Trip
Interesting title; right? Well that is the official name of my cross country road trip. The song comes from the film EuroTrip; and while we didn't have the insane incidents of the film. It was quite fun.
Watch a clip of us rocking out to "Scotty Doesn't Know"
Anyways Let's Recap in sections
Four of us ventured out of Germany and headed to Prague. The drive was about 2 1/2 hours and it went rather smooth. No one got stopped by the border control or the polezi. However we did get stopped by a man requesting euro for gas.
Watch a clip of the incident:
Watch a clip of us rocking out to "Scotty Doesn't Know"
Anyways Let's Recap in sections
Four of us ventured out of Germany and headed to Prague. The drive was about 2 1/2 hours and it went rather smooth. No one got stopped by the border control or the polezi. However we did get stopped by a man requesting euro for gas.
Watch a clip of the incident:
Must See
The title say's it for itself... whenever you see this title; be prepared for an awesome movie or tv show that is coming out or totally downplayed!
Everything I'm Not Made Me Everything I Am
For Fall Break and in approx 6 mins we head out on our Cross Country Tour of Europe;
Prague, Czech Republic
-- The Green Fairy aka Absinthe
--- Prague Nightlife
---- Prague Hostel
Vienna, Austria
-- Imperial palaces of the Hofburg and Schönbrunn
--- Vienna Nightlife
---- Vienna Hostel
Tour a bit more Vienna; Sightsee as we Venture home
Head back home (Germany)
Palm Beach-- Nuremberg, Germany
--- Indoor Beach; Swimming Pool
Prague, Czech Republic
-- The Green Fairy aka Absinthe
--- Prague Nightlife
---- Prague Hostel
Vienna, Austria
-- Imperial palaces of the Hofburg and Schönbrunn
--- Vienna Nightlife
---- Vienna Hostel
Tour a bit more Vienna; Sightsee as we Venture home
Head back home (Germany)
Palm Beach-- Nuremberg, Germany
--- Indoor Beach; Swimming Pool

Recap: Oktoberfest Interviews
I love doing interviews!!! Their so fun and I love meeting new people!!
Check out the clip below from Oktoberfest:
Check out the clip below from Oktoberfest:
Recap: Oktoberfest 2010
Hey friends!
Okie dokie, OKTOBERFEST.. I was really pumped for the beauty of it all. I literally had beer dreams but like all things in life; my dream wasn't reality. It was a snarky day and I wasn't overly impressed with my company. The event in itself was fine; I got loads of footage. IDK why things aren't as great as the first time around. Slightly disappointed but determined to create an Oktoberfest more of my liking and not as dramatical. :)
Click the Links to see my experience--sans drama lol
Okie dokie, OKTOBERFEST.. I was really pumped for the beauty of it all. I literally had beer dreams but like all things in life; my dream wasn't reality. It was a snarky day and I wasn't overly impressed with my company. The event in itself was fine; I got loads of footage. IDK why things aren't as great as the first time around. Slightly disappointed but determined to create an Oktoberfest more of my liking and not as dramatical. :)
Click the Links to see my experience--sans drama lol
Oh, A Traveling I will Go!
So, while my Alma Mater is enjoying the "delights" (heavy sarcasm meaning I think he flippin sucks) of Kid Cudi at this years Homecoming (The 2nd one I haven't attended since Graduation; due to being overseas AND my 5 year commitment of not going back on that campus if I can help it... which might just get cut down to Homecomings; due to resurgence of Grad School Applications.. yuck..)
Anyhoo.... The ITINERARY for the WEEKEND!!
Oktoberfest -- Munich -- Bier --- 2nd Time attending the Fest
So, I'm making future purchases for a
---Net Book
Wish me Luck!!
Anyhoo.... The ITINERARY for the WEEKEND!!
Oktoberfest -- Munich -- Bier --- 2nd Time attending the Fest
So, I'm making future purchases for a
---Net Book
Wish me Luck!!

You Must Be Deaf!: Angel Taylor
"And this christmas what I really, really, really, really, really want Is a call from you to say Angel I seem to think of you everyday and ever since I've gone away I just have to say. That You've blown my mindin 2 hours time And I'm so weak and unable to. Picture, you with someone other than me But I guess I have to Cause you haven't asked me out."
Creative Imaginings: Ahoy, there Maties!
Reading & Writing are so cathartic for me, that I can't help but pressure peers and strangers to try their hand at it. So of course I love to spotlight individuals and classic literature in my Creative Imaginings segments; but I wanted to shortly focus on MY skills!
So your girl is slowly but surely becoming a published writer
Who knew? Well I'm sure my bff Zuri Hall who is currently the FACE of MYIndyTV & co-conspirator/writer would boast that she knew before I knew me. And yes that was a blatant shout out. :)
But I've been writing semi-professionally since I was 11, for the local youth magazine in Toledo, OH; CurioCity & Kidzone; sadly if you google the publication it doesn't pop out. Probably due to the lack of relevance of the Internet in the 90s.
I (& Zuri hall) took a creative writing class at Owens Community College’s High School Writers Workshop Program (in 2004 or 2005) and got our poetry published in the program’s annual literary magazine, “Belles Lettres”.
I also have a lot of unpublished work; for instance I've wrote my first screenplay in 2009, entitled "Nine" --and no it isn't a musical. I also have loads of written poetry that haven't made it to the blog; speaking of the blog.. be sure to check out my poetry blog
So while I'm not a newbie to the print media; I'm a newbie to the rapid publishing due to the world wide web. Specifically my newly published articles in the online magazine, A Word For My Sistas.
I'm loving every minute and currently I'm working on creating my bio! But until than, Ciao!
So your girl is slowly but surely becoming a published writer
Who knew? Well I'm sure my bff Zuri Hall who is currently the FACE of MYIndyTV & co-conspirator/writer would boast that she knew before I knew me. And yes that was a blatant shout out. :)
But I've been writing semi-professionally since I was 11, for the local youth magazine in Toledo, OH; CurioCity & Kidzone; sadly if you google the publication it doesn't pop out. Probably due to the lack of relevance of the Internet in the 90s.
I (& Zuri hall) took a creative writing class at Owens Community College’s High School Writers Workshop Program (in 2004 or 2005) and got our poetry published in the program’s annual literary magazine, “Belles Lettres”.
I also have a lot of unpublished work; for instance I've wrote my first screenplay in 2009, entitled "Nine" --and no it isn't a musical. I also have loads of written poetry that haven't made it to the blog; speaking of the blog.. be sure to check out my poetry blog
So while I'm not a newbie to the print media; I'm a newbie to the rapid publishing due to the world wide web. Specifically my newly published articles in the online magazine, A Word For My Sistas.
I'm loving every minute and currently I'm working on creating my bio! But until than, Ciao!

Must See: Raven Symone
This Girl is doing the Damn Thing!
Check out her Windy Williams interview!
Check out her Windy Williams interview!
You Must Be Deaf: B.O.B.
"Well, since I was planted at birth
I abandoned my own planet and I landed on earth"
--"The Kids", B.O.B. ft Janae Monae
I love this verse! Matterfact I'm secretly in love with Bobby Simons. His flow, his image aka he's frikkin HOT, and the freshness he brings to music. My type of guy!
Be sure to check out the Virtual Concert!
Fri Sept 24, 7p-12aET
Sat Sept 25, 12p-12aET
Repeats On The Hour!!
Oh and check out the "Teach Me How To Dougie Remix
And look how SEXY B.O.B. AKA BOBBY RAY is!

I abandoned my own planet and I landed on earth"
--"The Kids", B.O.B. ft Janae Monae
I love this verse! Matterfact I'm secretly in love with Bobby Simons. His flow, his image aka he's frikkin HOT, and the freshness he brings to music. My type of guy!
Be sure to check out the Virtual Concert!
Fri Sept 24, 7p-12aET
Sat Sept 25, 12p-12aET
Repeats On The Hour!!
Oh and check out the "Teach Me How To Dougie Remix
And look how SEXY B.O.B. AKA BOBBY RAY is!

Youtuber of the Week
Besides my own Channel:
I'm a subscriber to lots of YOUTUBE CHANNELS! So every week I'm going to highlight a favorite videos.. Some are hilariously funny and others informative!
This Guy is hecka funny!
I'm a subscriber to lots of YOUTUBE CHANNELS! So every week I'm going to highlight a favorite videos.. Some are hilariously funny and others informative!
This Guy is hecka funny!
Sex it Up!
I'm an avid realist but whenever I think about working out I'm thrown into a dreamy state. I want that Beyonce body but I'm too lazy to put in the actual work. Running on a treadmills, bicycling to no-mans land, and lifting weights can easily stagnate your life and body. So how can you get that body you've always wanted?
Sex it up. Literally. I find that having a sexy workout uplifts my mood, eases boredom, and is a definite confidence booster. But more importantly with a sexier workout you'll burn more calories due to short burst of energy when changing up the routine and did I mention it was sexy???
1. Belly dancing is my favorite way to tone my body and improve my posture. With a moderate to fast pace, women can loose weight, gain muscle definition, and improve their coordination. This relaxing low-impact sensually stimulating workout will exercise you from head to toe.
2. Salsa isn't just a dip, it's a great way to build up your stamina and burn those calories. Whether your heading out for a night with the girls, planning a seduction, or dancing in the mirror learning to Salsa is a great way to exercise. Salsa is a perfect way to reduce stress, gets your heart pumping, and you'll be sure to gain a new social network with this titillating dance.
3. Poles aren't just for fire-fighters and strippers anymore. This new age workout is causing headlines around the world with Pole Championships/Miss Pole competitions in Moscow, USA, Australia, and Jamaica. Women of all shapes, sizes, colors, ages, and flexibilities are toning their gluttes, legs, arms, and abs through pole fitness. If grasping a pole isn't your forte than try the similar genre of Exotic dancing to create that hour-glass figure.
So what do you wear for your sexy workout? A bit of this and a bit of that. Whatever makes you comfortable and what makes you feel sexy. So if its a pair of leggings, dress, or boy shorts throw them on with a sensible pair of shoes. For salsa and pole fitness make sure your heels are under 6'. For belly dancing barefoot is best.
To find local classes in your city or nearby ask around or just google it. If you're short on cash, can't make the time to for lessons, or just a teeny bit embarrassed? Well utilize your library, Blockbuster/Family Video, check out the community calendar in your local paper, or the easily accessibly Youtube and workout in your home.
Sex it up. Literally. I find that having a sexy workout uplifts my mood, eases boredom, and is a definite confidence booster. But more importantly with a sexier workout you'll burn more calories due to short burst of energy when changing up the routine and did I mention it was sexy???
1. Belly dancing is my favorite way to tone my body and improve my posture. With a moderate to fast pace, women can loose weight, gain muscle definition, and improve their coordination. This relaxing low-impact sensually stimulating workout will exercise you from head to toe.
2. Salsa isn't just a dip, it's a great way to build up your stamina and burn those calories. Whether your heading out for a night with the girls, planning a seduction, or dancing in the mirror learning to Salsa is a great way to exercise. Salsa is a perfect way to reduce stress, gets your heart pumping, and you'll be sure to gain a new social network with this titillating dance.
3. Poles aren't just for fire-fighters and strippers anymore. This new age workout is causing headlines around the world with Pole Championships/Miss Pole competitions in Moscow, USA, Australia, and Jamaica. Women of all shapes, sizes, colors, ages, and flexibilities are toning their gluttes, legs, arms, and abs through pole fitness. If grasping a pole isn't your forte than try the similar genre of Exotic dancing to create that hour-glass figure.
So what do you wear for your sexy workout? A bit of this and a bit of that. Whatever makes you comfortable and what makes you feel sexy. So if its a pair of leggings, dress, or boy shorts throw them on with a sensible pair of shoes. For salsa and pole fitness make sure your heels are under 6'. For belly dancing barefoot is best.
To find local classes in your city or nearby ask around or just google it. If you're short on cash, can't make the time to for lessons, or just a teeny bit embarrassed? Well utilize your library, Blockbuster/Family Video, check out the community calendar in your local paper, or the easily accessibly Youtube and workout in your home.
Creative Imaginings:Safe In Your Arms- Tierra Allen
"Who says your EX can’t be your NEXT? ...When Tyran and Julian decide to go “all or nothing,” they learn it’s not what you say and do that break a bond, but what you don’t say and don’t do that etch cracks in the hearts of the ones you love. With their pasts behind them, Tyran’s ready to move forward with her God-send, until incident after incident reveals their safety net has major holes in it. Determined to be a beacon of light and a consistent support to her man, Tyran may need a lighthouse and rescue team of her own, when it’s all said and done... Do the two have what it takes to steer their love in the right direction or will they sail apart?"
I know that brief synopsis has you panting for more, so let's meet up-and-coming talented author Tierra Allen who penned the contemporary romance novel, “Safe in His Arms.” Taken directly from her self-titled website, "Tierra Allen unapologetically brings creativity back to the literary arena. She paints vivid pictures with words that leave readers hanging on at every page. Born and raised in Oklahoma City, OK, she’s a proud graduate of The University of Oklahoma where she earned her B.A. in Sociology. Safe in His Arms is the first novel by the talented authoress, who currently resides in Houston, TX."
I know that brief synopsis has you panting for more, so let's meet up-and-coming talented author Tierra Allen who penned the contemporary romance novel, “Safe in His Arms.” Taken directly from her self-titled website, "Tierra Allen unapologetically brings creativity back to the literary arena. She paints vivid pictures with words that leave readers hanging on at every page. Born and raised in Oklahoma City, OK, she’s a proud graduate of The University of Oklahoma where she earned her B.A. in Sociology. Safe in His Arms is the first novel by the talented authoress, who currently resides in Houston, TX."

His Color and You: Why Black Women Are Single
Although we are constantly at odds with the global community, there is one huge thing that is agreed on. Interracial dating/marriage is taboo among cultures that are traditional, homogeneous, and hold stereotypical view. Those who purposefully seek interracial relationships are doing so to lash out at their parents, join the middle/upper class, sexual deviants, and are mentally ill aka self image issues/self-hate.
How harsh and medieval are those ideas? Just google Dr. Laura Schlessinger or think about the initial reaction most people (yourself included) have when seeing a mixed-raced couple --stereotypically a black man and white woman. Exactly.
How harsh and medieval are those ideas? Just google Dr. Laura Schlessinger or think about the initial reaction most people (yourself included) have when seeing a mixed-raced couple --stereotypically a black man and white woman. Exactly.
You Must Be Deaf!: Gypsy-Shakira
"I can't hide what I've done
Scars remind me of just how far that I've come
To whom it may concern
Only run with scissors when you want to get hurt
'Cause I'm a gypsy are you coming with me?
I might steal your clothes and wear them if they fit me
I don't make agreements just like a gypsy
And I won't back down ‘cause life's already bit me
And I won't cry I'm too young to die if you're gonna quit me
'Cause I'm a gypsy"
Scars remind me of just how far that I've come
To whom it may concern
Only run with scissors when you want to get hurt
'Cause I'm a gypsy are you coming with me?
I might steal your clothes and wear them if they fit me
I don't make agreements just like a gypsy
And I won't back down ‘cause life's already bit me
And I won't cry I'm too young to die if you're gonna quit me
'Cause I'm a gypsy"
Autumn Essentials
Personally, I love the summer-autumn transitions, its my own secret muse and a prediction of how the fall/winter season will transpire. If I don't feel inspired before Labor Day than I become despondent and begin a countdown till the New Year.
Fortunately, the 2010 transitional phase has me doing kicks (Rockette's specifically) for joy because the fashion, music, and creative imaginings have me going ga-ga.
When I'm stuck in a clothing rut I browse through the websites of Vogue, Teen Vogue, H&M, ASOS, and Lulu's; and finally I Google "Street Fashion"-- and after I finishing weeping over the various insanely priced items, I'm steadily wiping away the drool, as I gawk over basic components that can make or break your outfit.
1. The Brown Belt
I'm so over those ridiculously wide belts we were conned into buying in bulk and using as a corset or as a boob pusher. I'm totally in love with the reemergence of BROWN belts (BB) and the wonders it does for a shirt, skirt, jeans, or dress.
Fortunately, the 2010 transitional phase has me doing kicks (Rockette's specifically) for joy because the fashion, music, and creative imaginings have me going ga-ga.
When I'm stuck in a clothing rut I browse through the websites of Vogue, Teen Vogue, H&M, ASOS, and Lulu's; and finally I Google "Street Fashion"-- and after I finishing weeping over the various insanely priced items, I'm steadily wiping away the drool, as I gawk over basic components that can make or break your outfit.
1. The Brown Belt
I'm so over those ridiculously wide belts we were conned into buying in bulk and using as a corset or as a boob pusher. I'm totally in love with the reemergence of BROWN belts (BB) and the wonders it does for a shirt, skirt, jeans, or dress.
You Must Be Deaf!; Santa Ye
1. "Wake Up Mister West." Hate him or Love him, His Ye-ness is coming back full throttle, releasing two hit songs this summer "Power & Power Remix." Through the social media website Twitter, we learn that West has turned into a Santa Claus of sorts, West tweeted: "I know ya'll need the music so I'm dropping 1 new song every weekend until Xmas. It may be my song [or] it may be a new Jay song etc..." Fans are amped for what West has declared "Good Fridays. Ya'll know every Friday ya'll gone have a new joint from our family. We look at the game completely different now." Besides releasing singles, West is scheduled to perform at the MTV VMAs on Sept 12. You may remember last year VMAs where West interrupted a certain singer and created a most infamous expression, i.e. "I'ma let you finish BUT" ... so we can only wonder what Santa Ye has up his sleeve this year.
You Must Be Deaf: Corinne Bailey Rae; The Sea
The most slept on album of the year is "The Sea" by English beauty Corrine Bailey Rae. This album represents lyrical, vocal, and emotional facets of Rae that most artists can't provoke despite being in the music industry. Admittedly, a portion of the songs were written after the death of her late husband, but that only adds to the genius of this recording. The heart aches as she croons "Are You Here" and next you're nodding your head in agreement as she talks about relationships in her lead single "I'd Do It All Again."
Rae is known for her remarkable upbeat/emo-tinged songs, and she doesn't disappoint in the second single "Paris Nights/New York Moments" and a girl can only sigh and wistfully reminiscence about her own memorable nights. This eleven tracked album just screams to be re-played at every junction and function. The haunting dream-like ambiance that Rae invokes leaves the listener with a feeling of Je Ne Sais Quoi. You can't aptly describe what you felt or heard. But intuitively you know, you felt/heard something breathtaking.
Rae is known for her remarkable upbeat/emo-tinged songs, and she doesn't disappoint in the second single "Paris Nights/New York Moments" and a girl can only sigh and wistfully reminiscence about her own memorable nights. This eleven tracked album just screams to be re-played at every junction and function. The haunting dream-like ambiance that Rae invokes leaves the listener with a feeling of Je Ne Sais Quoi. You can't aptly describe what you felt or heard. But intuitively you know, you felt/heard something breathtaking.

Got 99 Problems but being Drunk ain't one!
That's right folks. I've been stopped!
I drive on the formidable German autobahn, the narrow country roads, the unseemly cobblestone streets, and where RIGHT is before LEFT.
It is a scary experience driving at night in Germany. On the country roads there aren't any lights. Just road reflectors and maybe a sign saying there's a sharp turn. I drive with my high beams on, just to see beyond the car, and I typically refuse to go the max speed limit. The roads in Germany are just to windy and unpredictable. But on the autobahn, well I'm a Speed Demon.
Luckily, in the times I've had my USA & German license.
Yikes I look a Fright!
I've never been stopped, had a ticket, got caught by the cameras, been in accident, etc, etc, etc. Not to say that I'm an awesome driver. I'm not. I'm great when I don't have another adult nervously nitpicking how I'm dangerously close to driving between 2 lanes or how I'm to close to the sidewalk, and maybe that person on the right. lol I kid. But seriously, when someone is nitpicking me and overly anxious. I just can't do it. I'm on all pins & needles. And my driving takes a turn for the worse.
But let's get to my being stopped. So, I'm the D.D. and were coming from a German club and we enter a town --speed limit is reduced immensely-- and I look in my mirror and see STOP.
It's the M-F-N polezi. German Police.
I drive on the formidable German autobahn, the narrow country roads, the unseemly cobblestone streets, and where RIGHT is before LEFT.
It is a scary experience driving at night in Germany. On the country roads there aren't any lights. Just road reflectors and maybe a sign saying there's a sharp turn. I drive with my high beams on, just to see beyond the car, and I typically refuse to go the max speed limit. The roads in Germany are just to windy and unpredictable. But on the autobahn, well I'm a Speed Demon.
Luckily, in the times I've had my USA & German license.

I've never been stopped, had a ticket, got caught by the cameras, been in accident, etc, etc, etc. Not to say that I'm an awesome driver. I'm not. I'm great when I don't have another adult nervously nitpicking how I'm dangerously close to driving between 2 lanes or how I'm to close to the sidewalk, and maybe that person on the right. lol I kid. But seriously, when someone is nitpicking me and overly anxious. I just can't do it. I'm on all pins & needles. And my driving takes a turn for the worse.
But let's get to my being stopped. So, I'm the D.D. and were coming from a German club and we enter a town --speed limit is reduced immensely-- and I look in my mirror and see STOP.
It's the M-F-N polezi. German Police.
You Must Be Deaf!: My All- Mariah Carey
"I am thinking of you
In my sleepless solitude tonight
If it's wrong to love you
Then my heart just won't let me be right
'Cause I've drowned in you
And I won't pull through
Without you by my side
I'd give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
'Cause I can't go on
Living in the memory of our song
I'd give my all for your love tonight"
In my sleepless solitude tonight
If it's wrong to love you
Then my heart just won't let me be right
'Cause I've drowned in you
And I won't pull through
Without you by my side
I'd give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
'Cause I can't go on
Living in the memory of our song
I'd give my all for your love tonight"
Man vs Uniform
What is it about a man in Uniform that makes women go weak in the knees?
There's nothing I love more than a confident man. Nine times out of ten, I'm more attracted to the man with his chin up, unwavering gaze, and delicious smile. Add a uniform into the equation, and it might be a done deal. Attitude reflects leadership and no woman wants to be with a man who can't hold his own.
Seeing a man in his specialized uniform (suit, military, police, etc) the assumption can be made that here is a man who won't back down at the first sign of opposition and will have no issue handling his AND your business. But is that confidence or a well-trained and secure mask? Are women letting themselves be deceived by the rigorous and defensive training that mold these men into the ideal soldier or savvy professional?
There's nothing I love more than a confident man. Nine times out of ten, I'm more attracted to the man with his chin up, unwavering gaze, and delicious smile. Add a uniform into the equation, and it might be a done deal. Attitude reflects leadership and no woman wants to be with a man who can't hold his own.
Seeing a man in his specialized uniform (suit, military, police, etc) the assumption can be made that here is a man who won't back down at the first sign of opposition and will have no issue handling his AND your business. But is that confidence or a well-trained and secure mask? Are women letting themselves be deceived by the rigorous and defensive training that mold these men into the ideal soldier or savvy professional?
You Must Be Deaf: iADORE Barbra Streisand

"I'm gonna live and live now,
Get what i want--i know how,
One roll for the whole shebang,
One throw, that bell will go clang,
Eye on the target--and wham--
One shot, one gun shot, and bam--
Hey, mister arnstein, here i am!
I'll march my band out,
I will beat my drum,
And if i'm fanned out,
Your turn at bat, sir,
At least i didn't fake it.
Hat, sir, i guess i didn't make it.
Get ready for me, love,
'cause i'm a "comer,"
I simply gotta march,
My heart's a drummer.
Nobody, no, nobody
Is gonna rain on my parade!"
Cosmetic Essentials, Wishlist, Ideal Style

~*~Eyeshadows that are a must on my vanity are; Black, Purples, Browns, Teals, Gold, Silver Green, Blues ~*~
When I buy makeup I go for basic necessity versus being a product junkie. Its not my thing, I only need the essentials to complete my everyday look and to dramatize it for when I party. A key thing I learned is to buy in bulk or in this case pairs. Oh and your eyes are not deceiving you. Before I apply my eyeshadow I dab contact solution on my eyelid. It works wonders and my eyeshadow lasts throughout the day.
What tricks do you use?
**********WISH LIST**********
I made a recent vow to myself.. STOP BUYING BLACK SHOES (every Lady should adhere to that statement as well!). My best friends can attest to the fact that my wardrobe consists of only specific shades of neutral and dark colours.
Black, Grey, Brown, Navy Blue, Hunter Green, Burgundy... I only recently started wearing white --had something to with preparing myself for my wedding (no Groom has been picked YET!)
Basically, I quiver at wearing pinks, reds, yellows, oranges --anything bright(excluding clothing displaying my Alma Mater).
So to add a balance to my signature wardrobe I love to accessorize my clothing with bright colors or statement pieces. But I can only rotate the same pieces/jewelry/purses/scarves so often without boring myself. So, my shoes will have to carry the burden of lightening my surroundings. Insert appropriate Pun.

********IDEAL STYLE**********
I saw this picture in another blog; I of course love the hair. But more importantly I love her outfit. Outfit Courtsey of Banana Republic.

You Must Be Deaf!; Shark In The Water
"Sometimes I get my head in a dilly
Feeling so lost, ticking you off
Now boy, you know me well
Said, I’m that kinda feelling
That kind of soft, that kind of silly
But when I’m in doubt, I open my mouth
And words come out, words come out like
baby, there’s a shark in the water
There’s something underneath my bed
Oh, please believe I said
baby, there’s a shark in the water
I caught them barking at the moon
Better be soon
High in the sky, the song that I’m singing
A sweet little lie, I cry wolf, cry
Rabbit out the hat, so that’s why I’m bringing
Some tricks up my sleeve, for noticing me"
Feeling so lost, ticking you off
Now boy, you know me well
Said, I’m that kinda feelling
That kind of soft, that kind of silly
But when I’m in doubt, I open my mouth
And words come out, words come out like
baby, there’s a shark in the water
There’s something underneath my bed
Oh, please believe I said
baby, there’s a shark in the water
I caught them barking at the moon
Better be soon
High in the sky, the song that I’m singing
A sweet little lie, I cry wolf, cry
Rabbit out the hat, so that’s why I’m bringing
Some tricks up my sleeve, for noticing me"
I'll be doing a feature; once, twice, OR even THRICE a week on an musical Talent that is BLOWING me out the waters! Like they must be frikkin amazing and I def wanna share it with ya!!
The artist or group might be established, undiscovered, overlooked, or whatever. Lemme just say, that You Must Be Deaf; if you haven't heard them by now!
The artist or group might be established, undiscovered, overlooked, or whatever. Lemme just say, that You Must Be Deaf; if you haven't heard them by now!
The 2010 Jane Austen Festival is from Friday 17th to Saturday 25th September.
I will frikkin skip Oktoberfest to attend these events. Money savings BEGIN NOW!!!!!!!
I need to save atleast 230£ to attend all the events I like, and than I need to figure out the plane ticket to get there, hostel/hotel expenses, meal expense, and of course souvieners...
..sigh.. I really love Jane... I might have to cut back on certain events...
Events I want to buy tickets for are below; and the ones I really want to go too are **:
--A very private public breakfast**
Sept 18; 9am
Sept 19; 10am
Sept 25; 10am
--Grand Regency Promenade;
Sept 18
7.50£ or 6£(Student)
I will frikkin skip Oktoberfest to attend these events. Money savings BEGIN NOW!!!!!!!
I need to save atleast 230£ to attend all the events I like, and than I need to figure out the plane ticket to get there, hostel/hotel expenses, meal expense, and of course souvieners...
..sigh.. I really love Jane... I might have to cut back on certain events...
Events I want to buy tickets for are below; and the ones I really want to go too are **:
--A very private public breakfast**
Sept 18; 9am
Sept 19; 10am
Sept 25; 10am
--Grand Regency Promenade;
Sept 18
7.50£ or 6£(Student)
European Get-a-WAY pt 1.
European Cities/Countries I need to visit Before June 2011
1. Versailles
2. Normandy
3. Paris
4. Nice
5. Lyon
6. London
7. Westminster
8. Bath (Jane Austen Centre)
9. The 2010 Jane Austen Festival is from Friday 17th to Saturday 25th September.
10. Chawton, England (Jane Austen's House Museum)
11. Dublin, Ireland
12. Edingburgh, Scotland
13. Wales
13. Spain
14. Pourtgal
15. Bratislava Slovakia
16. Copenhagen Denmark
17. Utrecht Holland
18. Brussels Belgium
19. Tallinn Estonia
20. Lviv Ukraine
21. Rome
22. Florence
23. Naples
24. Tuscany
25. Genova
26. Sienna
27. Prauge
28. Amesterdam
29. Austria
30. Poland
31. Switzerland
32. Iceland
33. Moscow
34. Budapest
***********Germany is purposefully excluded from this list. I do realize I have already been to Paris but there is much I did not get too see.
1. Versailles
2. Normandy
3. Paris
4. Nice
5. Lyon
6. London
7. Westminster
8. Bath (Jane Austen Centre)
9. The 2010 Jane Austen Festival is from Friday 17th to Saturday 25th September.
10. Chawton, England (Jane Austen's House Museum)
11. Dublin, Ireland
12. Edingburgh, Scotland
13. Wales
13. Spain
14. Pourtgal
15. Bratislava Slovakia
16. Copenhagen Denmark
17. Utrecht Holland
18. Brussels Belgium
19. Tallinn Estonia
20. Lviv Ukraine
21. Rome
22. Florence
23. Naples
24. Tuscany
25. Genova
26. Sienna
27. Prauge
28. Amesterdam
29. Austria
30. Poland
31. Switzerland
32. Iceland
33. Moscow
34. Budapest
***********Germany is purposefully excluded from this list. I do realize I have already been to Paris but there is much I did not get too see.
Tonight We Dine In Hell
Yes I know, a third update within two days. The world MUST be coming to an end. Or maybe I've finally been inspired to write??
Either Way. I have a secret to confess!
I'm a modern day Vargas girl. Ok not really, but if I had the time, energy, money, and fierce workout sessions I'd be. I love Vargas and I love love Pin Up.
The women of the 40s & 50s were so nubile! Like I don't think it's slutty in the least. Art work & fashion at its best!
I more determined than ever to grab some 40s/50s vintage clothing and do my WORST! It'd sure be an interesting sight to see. How many black pin ups do you recall??
Vargas actually did a couple. Beyonce & Katy Perry are bringing back the idea of the pin up back in a major way! See "Why Don't You Love Me" post.
Remember last summer I was contemplating a photo shoot -- I never actually went through with the photoshoot. See "Utility 1" & "Utility 2" post.
But THIS summer/this year I'm going to do it big in the Vargas/Pin Up way. Tighten everything up.. than I'ma toot my booty and pose lol. I can't wait for Halloween.

Either Way. I have a secret to confess!
I'm a modern day Vargas girl. Ok not really, but if I had the time, energy, money, and fierce workout sessions I'd be. I love Vargas and I love love Pin Up.
The women of the 40s & 50s were so nubile! Like I don't think it's slutty in the least. Art work & fashion at its best!
I more determined than ever to grab some 40s/50s vintage clothing and do my WORST! It'd sure be an interesting sight to see. How many black pin ups do you recall??
Vargas actually did a couple. Beyonce & Katy Perry are bringing back the idea of the pin up back in a major way! See "Why Don't You Love Me" post.
Remember last summer I was contemplating a photo shoot -- I never actually went through with the photoshoot. See "Utility 1" & "Utility 2" post.
- http://87pages.blogspot.com/2009/06/utility-1-french-new-wave-la-nouvelle.html/
- http://87pages.blogspot.com/2009/06/utility-2-grunge.html/
But THIS summer/this year I'm going to do it big in the Vargas/Pin Up way. Tighten everything up.. than I'ma toot my booty and pose lol. I can't wait for Halloween.

You Must Be Deaf!: Why Don't You Love Me- Beyonce (B.B. Homemaker)

"Why don,t you love me?
Tell me, baby, why don,t you love me
When I make me so damn easy to love?
And why don,t you need me?
Tell me, baby, why don,t you need me
When I make me so damn easy to need?
I got beauty, I got class
I got style and I got ass
And you don,t even care to care looka here
I even put money in the bank account
Don,t have to ask no one to help me out
You don,t even notice that"
"There,s nothing not to love about me
No, no, there,s nothing not to love about me
I,m lovely, there,s nothing not to need about me
No, no, there,s nothing not to need about me
Maybe you,re just not the one
Or maybe you,re just plain dumb"
Wildly Inappropriate
I feel so petulant, over-eager, and slightly bitchy.
Oh and for the illerate bastiches...
1.Peculiarity of constitution; that temperament, or state of constitution, which is peculiar to a person
1 : insolent or rude in speech or behavior
2 : characterized by temporary or capricious ill humor : (peevish)
Oh and for the illerate bastiches...
1.Peculiarity of constitution; that temperament, or state of constitution, which is peculiar to a person
1 : insolent or rude in speech or behavior
2 : characterized by temporary or capricious ill humor : (peevish)
Brief thoughts on Abortion
My response to a blog another friend wrote, in regards to Abortion & Single Parenting:
Original Note:
You think like a man. This isn't a bad thing. It's natural.
And it's also the reason why Roe vs. Wade has been contested since the 70s.
Call abortion what you will, murder, an excuse, not taking responsibility, etc. It's still a viable, legal, efficient, and healthy (if it's done properly) CHOICE for a woman. Women have been having abortions for a long time, whether throwing themselves down the stairs, letting some wacko with a hanger have at them, or utilizing natures herbs/remedies to procure the result.
Abortions will continue to happen.
I ask you this, if a woman has been raped and becomes pregnant because of that, should she be forced to bring her child full term? OR should she abort it?
As a man, you can't possibly understand the emotional and psychological effects of being pregnant OR thinking that you're pregnant. It's an influx of emotions that can warp even the most rationale woman.
As for the alleged man that did not want to have a child but might be forced to pay child support. If he really fought for it, the states might deem that he has no personal or financial obligation to the child, and he can go on his merry way.
Now, it'll be a complete different story if the woman poked a hole in the condom or eradicated the preventive measure. In that case, should the man still be forced to a financial obligation?
Original Note:
You think like a man. This isn't a bad thing. It's natural.
And it's also the reason why Roe vs. Wade has been contested since the 70s.
Call abortion what you will, murder, an excuse, not taking responsibility, etc. It's still a viable, legal, efficient, and healthy (if it's done properly) CHOICE for a woman. Women have been having abortions for a long time, whether throwing themselves down the stairs, letting some wacko with a hanger have at them, or utilizing natures herbs/remedies to procure the result.
Abortions will continue to happen.
I ask you this, if a woman has been raped and becomes pregnant because of that, should she be forced to bring her child full term? OR should she abort it?
As a man, you can't possibly understand the emotional and psychological effects of being pregnant OR thinking that you're pregnant. It's an influx of emotions that can warp even the most rationale woman.
As for the alleged man that did not want to have a child but might be forced to pay child support. If he really fought for it, the states might deem that he has no personal or financial obligation to the child, and he can go on his merry way.
Now, it'll be a complete different story if the woman poked a hole in the condom or eradicated the preventive measure. In that case, should the man still be forced to a financial obligation?
Tyler Perry
So, my friend wrote another interesting blog about the specimen that is Tyler Perry. I wrote a response to his note.
The original note can be viewed here:
My response is as follows:
The age old expression of "We've Got To Do Better" constantly lurks in my mind, but we have to remember, "That Knowledge Does Not Correlate With Behavior" (credited to an associate at my Alma Mater).
I'm not a Perry fan and I don't buy his movies, it dumbs down my intellect and I feel like I'm being pulled into a brainwashing mechanism but I ... See more thinks that due to my expecting too much--oddly enough when I watched Superbad I didn't feel this mechanism, but that's because I realize not all white kids act like that.
That's where the difference lies.
Someone alluded to it isn't his responsibility and it's not his fault that people support crap.
The original note can be viewed here:
My response is as follows:
The age old expression of "We've Got To Do Better" constantly lurks in my mind, but we have to remember, "That Knowledge Does Not Correlate With Behavior" (credited to an associate at my Alma Mater).
I'm not a Perry fan and I don't buy his movies, it dumbs down my intellect and I feel like I'm being pulled into a brainwashing mechanism but I ... See more thinks that due to my expecting too much--oddly enough when I watched Superbad I didn't feel this mechanism, but that's because I realize not all white kids act like that.
That's where the difference lies.
Someone alluded to it isn't his responsibility and it's not his fault that people support crap.
Puking My Heart
To search is to invest in disaster.
The romantic in me insists there is a story behind the story.
The pessimist within rings the bell of satisfaction.
The me within me. Cries.
The romantic in me insists there is a story behind the story.
The pessimist within rings the bell of satisfaction.
The me within me. Cries.
Chopped & Screwed
MY hair is damaged so much from flat ironing it.. it is now permanently straight.. my choices are now
-keep the burnt hair and let it grow out..
-cut the hair off and start anew
The only issue is my concurrent case of alopecia (due to stress) and I just cant allow that to be seen ... so I'm prolly gonna keep my hair a...nd get some micros or kinky twists
I need to start taking better care of my hair & body: i recently bought some coconut milk, coconut oil, EVOO, peppermint oil, and some ACV (I bought the wrong kind of of ACV, I need to get the unfilitered sort).
My alopecia patch is slowly growing in but its still worrying me. Im trying not to let anything stress me .. BUT its oh so hard. grrr
I'ma wear my hair in two-strand twists as a constant protective style until I get micros or my A.patch grows in.
My hair damaged began when I first got my hair hot combed back in June or July 2009.

I'm just now noticing that I had lost my original curl pattern back in 2009.
My current hair looks nothing like that. It looks like Im transitioning from relaxed to natural.
I've never wore my hair in a "straight" way-cuz I always had locs.. So last year I wanted to experiment and to see how I looked.. your hair is still techincally natural because it reverts back to the original form..
My hair is currently anti-reversion because I was ignorant and let ppl do whatever to my hair.
-keep the burnt hair and let it grow out..
-cut the hair off and start anew
The only issue is my concurrent case of alopecia (due to stress) and I just cant allow that to be seen ... so I'm prolly gonna keep my hair a...nd get some micros or kinky twists
I need to start taking better care of my hair & body: i recently bought some coconut milk, coconut oil, EVOO, peppermint oil, and some ACV (I bought the wrong kind of of ACV, I need to get the unfilitered sort).
My alopecia patch is slowly growing in but its still worrying me. Im trying not to let anything stress me .. BUT its oh so hard. grrr
I'ma wear my hair in two-strand twists as a constant protective style until I get micros or my A.patch grows in.
My hair damaged began when I first got my hair hot combed back in June or July 2009.

I'm just now noticing that I had lost my original curl pattern back in 2009.
My current hair looks nothing like that. It looks like Im transitioning from relaxed to natural.
I've never wore my hair in a "straight" way-cuz I always had locs.. So last year I wanted to experiment and to see how I looked.. your hair is still techincally natural because it reverts back to the original form..
My hair is currently anti-reversion because I was ignorant and let ppl do whatever to my hair.
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