
You Must Be Deaf!: Little Dragon

Fellow blogger TDF http://khalfani-rice.blogspot.com/ put me onto this group. Usually I'm not into electronic music but He has an excellent ear when it comes to making beats and music in general. So I was willing to take a listen;

TDF is actually apart of the group the Great Lakes Crew--recently spotlighted in my blog http://87pages.blogspot.com/2010/10/you-must-be-deaf-great-lakes-crew.html

Little Dragon hails from Sweden and consist of 4 Swedes; your attention will be most likely be centered on front woman Yukimi Nagano ; Her vocals are so crisp. She reminds me of Corrine Bailey Rae/Erykah Bady but in a more hardcore way. Either way I'm officially a fan and I'm putting this on my To-Do List for albums to buy!

I couldn't really decide what video to play so I def urge ya'll to check out http://www.myspace.com/yourlittledragon to hear more songs!

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