~*~Eyeshadows that are a must on my vanity are; Black, Purples, Browns, Teals, Gold, Silver Green, Blues ~*~
When I buy makeup I go for basic necessity versus being a product junkie. Its not my thing, I only need the essentials to complete my everyday look and to dramatize it for when I party. A key thing I learned is to buy in bulk or in this case pairs. Oh and your eyes are not deceiving you. Before I apply my eyeshadow I dab contact solution on my eyelid. It works wonders and my eyeshadow lasts throughout the day.
What tricks do you use?
**********WISH LIST**********
I made a recent vow to myself.. STOP BUYING BLACK SHOES (every Lady should adhere to that statement as well!). My best friends can attest to the fact that my wardrobe consists of only specific shades of neutral and dark colours.
Black, Grey, Brown, Navy Blue, Hunter Green, Burgundy... I only recently started wearing white --had something to with preparing myself for my wedding (no Groom has been picked YET!)
Basically, I quiver at wearing pinks, reds, yellows, oranges --anything bright(excluding clothing displaying my Alma Mater).
So to add a balance to my signature wardrobe I love to accessorize my clothing with bright colors or statement pieces. But I can only rotate the same pieces/jewelry/purses/scarves so often without boring myself. So, my shoes will have to carry the burden of lightening my surroundings. Insert appropriate Pun.

********IDEAL STYLE**********
I saw this picture in another blog; I of course love the hair. But more importantly I love her outfit. Outfit Courtsey of Banana Republic.

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