
Flying off to a New Adventure


In about 4 hours I'll be on a plane to Germany, to continue my Internship. Just in case, you don't recall what it is. MY internship is with the University of Iowa as a Camp Adventure intern. I mainly work in the Army Child Development Center as support staff. It's an okay job but I'm not getting paid.

This time I'll be in Schweinfurt and it already looks to be an interesting adventure. One of my friends from undergrad is coming along for the ride-- he'll be in a complete different city.

I'm pretty much packed and ready to go. I had some fun during my winter break but now I'm ready to get things in motion.

I'm doing the job hunt dance. My resume is getting passed around for possible internships on Capitol Hill. But I'm really looking for a job that pays money. I'm looking into Grad School as a viable option. But we'll see.

So what are my goals while in Germany?

Well I'm going to continue my weightloss/workout routines. I want to loose 10 more pounds and tone up.. all that jazz.. and more importantly maintain it.

I'm going to travel less. If I travel it'll be mainly around Germany.

I'm focusing so much on the job hunt. I think it's becoming my obsession. I'm developing my 5 year plan sooooo we'll see.

But yea I'm going to go grab a bite to eat and finish packing.


1 comment:

Bradford J. Howard said...

Good luck in Germany, Misha! I hope you made it down there in one piece and that you DEFINITELY stay on your job hunt grind. We still have a date on Capitol Hill, Representative Page (throwback!) lol... let me know if there's anyway I can support you from the "other side of the pond".