
2013 BEACHBODY-- Black Friday/Cyber Monday Holiday Promotion November 27 , 2013 – December 2 , 2013


Items will sell fast so don't wait too long!!!

1. Click this link http://www.teambeachbody.com/87pages 

2. Click Shop All Products
3. In the search Box--- type in HOLIDAY
4. Choose a program and don't let that Turkey get you! :)



Guest Vlogger: Zuri&MettGoDutch, PARIS VLOG: PART 2!!

My BFF Zuri & her BF Mett, have joined the Youtube Community, and they are doing AWESOME! Check out their latest vlog from their time in Paris. Oh and at 5:38 mark I get a remarkable shoutout in the video and I of course I loved it! :) Enjoy.


Thrilling summer. OOTD

Are you enjoying your summer? Getting some sun before hitting the books.


Gin & Juice

Happy Spring y'all. Just wanted to update you before I go to bed. But I'm in Sacramento for the weekend. Attending the MANRRS 2013 Conference. I'm over the conference but loooovvvving Cali! 

Never wanted to visit it. Alwasy thought it was overrated, but I lowkey fell in love as we passed over the Rockies & the Grand Canyon. Who Knew!! I don't want to leave, just need the hubby with me.

On a trip w/14 undergrads....omg. so many horomones. I'm old lol ugh. Anyhoo, need to sleep if ima work out in the AM. Yes workout, I'm steadily tryna get my Beyonce on. :) #bowdown

Ps. I'm in Student Affairs not any Ag majors. Kinda feeling like Penny from Big Bang lol...science what's that? O_o


Update: Crochet Braids with Marley Hair

I think the hair was $6 or $8
The stylist put these on the hair. It looked nice, but the next day I found several white flakes. 
Now imagine this lighter color all over my head! hot mess!!!

1st day of wearing the hair. :)


30 Day Push Goal Challenge: Day 2

How to determine your priorities:

So it's been over a week since I began the 30 day challenge and true to form I fell off the wagon. I really didn't want too but I just felt so overwhelmed with life...and blah blah blah. I HAD thought I was taking the bull by the horns due to creating a color coded schedule for working out, work, school work, hobbies, and life. Kinda realized I went over-board when my printer went schitzo on me. eek

Like most experts, Chalene says "it takes 21 days of consistency to create a habit. But what's the point if you haven't learned how to create the best possible habit?"... Which ties into why I'm posting today: Chalene ask's "The first step, the step that so many people neglect in our fast-paced world is to determine what you want! What are your priorities? It sounds so obvious, but you won't believe how many of us forget to ask this of ourselves. What do you really want? What is meaningful to you?"

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH was my original response lol. Now my more educated response :)

Chalene says: "1. Priority Brainstorm: Use the area below to list any and all areas of importance to you in your life today. The bigger the list the better! Think about what makes you happy, what gives you pride, what you wish to be remembered by at the end of your life, what you want people to know was most important to you. Consider what makes you feel good about yourself, gives you confidence and what gives you pride."

  • 1. What makes me happy is living my life. 
  • 2. What gives me pride is when I think outside the box and go beyond my comfort level. 
  • 3. I wish to be remembered as person who lived-- who was honest, frank, compassionate, comfortable, internationally savvy. 
  • 4. My priority is my happiness and not being stagnant OR being forced to settle for what others assume I should be happy with. 
  • 5.My priority is loving God and being a Godly wife... 
  • 6. I'm confident when around open-minded people and I don't have to alter my way of thinking or living or having to assimilate to make others comfortable --racially, ethnically, spiritually, gender-wise, socially, physically, mentally... etc.
Chalene says: "2. Now star the top five areas of importance to you."

  • I think I only mentioned five! lol ok so it was 6.. I guess I'd cut #2, because its similar to #6. 

Chalene says: "3. Next, write down your top three priorities in no particular order– Use just a few words like, “faith”, “family”, “Helping the underprivileged” , “Creating financial security for my family” “Helping others” “My health and fitness”, etc. "

  • God/Me
  • Marriage
  • Living Happily

Chalene says: "4. Rewrite the above list in order of importance to you." 

  • My number one priority -- God/Me
  • My number two priority --Marriage
  • My number three priority --- Living Happily

Chalene says: "5. Take the priority you’ve listed as number one and complete the following statements: The reason why I have placed the greatest importance on this area of my life is because:" 

  • God is Love and I crave love.  He is everything I aspire to become and when I praise Him I feel calm and safe.
Chalene says: " I will honor my number one priority by vowing to do my best to always:"
  • Learn more about his Word, treating others kindly, Loving and Living my life and family. Loving myself and making sure I have mental clarity and physical fitness. 
Chalene says: The following action(s) would be inconsistent with my commitment to my number one priority: To honor my number on priority I will limit:"
  • Adultery, Unfriendly behaviors --instead of refusing to interact with individuals, give them a chance , not reading the Bible. Refusing to engage personal development due to being "busy."participating in gossip-fests, judging a book by its cover. participate in self-doubt ..slack because I don't see results. 
Chalene says: "To live my life according to my number one priority I need to make the following changes:" 
  • More personal development. If I don't understand the Bible seek aid in interpreting His word. Journal my goals and refuse to slack if I don't see immediate success. 
Chalene says: "6. Be as detailed as possible. Create a Top Priority clarity statement in the space below:" 
  • My number one priority is to love God and the life He has blessed me to live. By taking seriously my academic & professional career; by accepting and loving myself, my husband, my family despite our flaws;and by engaging happiness. If there is something I don't feel supported, trusted, or productive or successful in than it is my duty to make that change AND seek assistance. 
  • Trust my husband with my dreams and aspirations. Get a stronger vocabulary and have better follow-through in my personal life. So many decisions I fling away but today I want to be stronger and finish. My concrete fitness goal is 140 lbs and wearing a size 6. I refuse to munch away on junk food-- I'm focused on getting fired up!!!! Fired Up for Life! 


30 Day Fitness -Accountability Challenge!! Squat-a-thon

Hey Kids,

Come one! Come All. If you haven't joined in for the 30 day challenge, its not too late... but I need 100% participation EVERY day. If you don't think you can commit this month maybe we can try again next month.

Either way if you're complaining that you don't have time to workout, join our squat-a-thon for 30 days. You can break your squats up, doing them in the shower, while cooking, before bed, brushing your teeth. Really there is no excuse for not participating.

Today we start off with 20 Squats.


TTYL, Star.


Lady Gaga's Body Revolution 2013 Campaign

Watch my video here About Gaga's Body Revolution 2012 Campaign:


More info about Lady Gaga's Body Revolution: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/09/26/lady-gaga-launches-body-revolution-little-monsterscelebrate-perceived-flaws-_n_1916192.html

Lady Gaga will offer mental-health counseling before concerts


PAWS UP. Born This Way.


30 Day Push Goal Challenge: Day 1

Yesterday, my boss asked me what was my ultimate career goal. I was at a loss because when I think about the past 9 years I've accomplished the majority of my dreams. I graduated from college, I traveled throughout most of Western Europe and a bit of Asia. I'm married and in graduate school to become an Academic Advisor. So what else is there? I asked my boss, do I need new goals? She laughingly replied "No, you just need to build off of them."

Talking to another graduate student 30 minutes later and while discussing her career and personal goals, I sat there stupefied, the only thing I had somewhat in common is that we both felt like we've accomplished a lot in our short lives, but the difference was she had more goals and ideas and I... well. I felt lacking and if there's one thing about me is that I hate to lack something.

It's so interesting that today I started Chalene Johnson's 30 Day Push Challenge, and for Day 1, she asks:

My Goals:

Its crazy that I don't have a concrete answer? I'm constantly comparing my goals on the basis of superficiality. But that's crazy right? Or is it even crazier that I don't have goals.... I mean I do but I don't.

Like I want to have a successful Youtube channel and Blog. I want to be super fit and retain my hair growth. I think I want to inspire people. I also want to learn how to re-connect with people I'm not fond of in my family. Maybe as we have matured we can talk easier ... or maybe there is a reason why we aren't close.

Career wise- I want to work in student affairs/academic advising, and re-shape university academic structures......annnnd 3 languages... and work internationally and travel. Guess I do have some goals.

My Values/Most Important:

I value honesty and frankness. I value having a job/career that I can be happy in. I am important to me. My happiness and my relationship with God. My husband is important to me and I want to be a good and Godly wife. My family and friends are important. Community service is important to me.

What do I want people to remember me by:

I think this is what scares me the most. When I'm dead will people remember me? I just hope to impact one person and just know that "I was Here"....

Guiding Principles: I think I have new guiding principles since college. I'm against burning bridges and discarding potential networking due to personality differences. I'm trying not to judge on appearances or perceived qualities.

Things that feel like a calling for me? Traveling, International Relations, Marriage, Motivating people (admittedly I need to work on my people skills lol ), Working with college students, and having fun lol .. I think I might retire as a librarian.

Hmm...this was fun ...scary and challenging but kinda fun. I'm a bit in shock perhaps? lol

Time for some tea to reflect a bit more.

Thanks, Chalene.

ps. stay tuned for Day 2's report of the #30daypush :)
pss. Chalene Johnson Facebook https://www.facebook.com/chalene?ref=ts&fref=ts
psss. Be sure to follow me on Instagram! @87pages

*************CHALENE UPDATE*******
"PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Your goals MUST have clearly defined measure. I'm so excited to read your GOALS for 2013, but I'm seeing a BIG PROBLEM! ***GOALS THAT ARE TOO VAGUE***

To truly be successful at goal mastery, make sure your goals meet the following criteria:

1. They should be written in first person and thought of as if you've already accomplished them. "I am fit and running 3x a week." vs "start running."

2. Goals need clearly defined measure... like a number of days you're exercising, amount you've saved, percentage of body fat, earnings per week, contacts per day, resumes sent per week. Goals need numbers. "I have lost 25 pounds" vs "I will lose weight."

3. Set reasonable but aggressive timeframes. We all work BEST with short term, pressing deadlines: "I am saving $200 per week." vs "save more."

Take a look at your goals list. Rewrite it in first person. Add measure and a shorter deadline! If your PUSH goal is to save $52,000 this year, then rewrite your goal to say ..."I have cut out all needless spending, kicked up my focus on my business, and I am saving $1,000 per week!" --Chalene Johnson, 1/5/12


Crochet Braids with Marley Hair Review

If you are in the Fort Riley, KS area or attend Kansas State University, definitely check out Attention Please Hair Salon.

The lady who did my hair was NOT heavy handed, she listened to me, and was able to handle my being High Maintenance because she was natural herself, she didn't give me the side eye when I kept spritzing my hair/scalp with water and had a wide tooth comb.

I was charged $90 to get my hair done.
I tipped $10. 
I paid $6 for the hair. I used 2 packs.
It took less than 4 hours. 

The lady braided my hair in a circle with Kanekalon hair.

Hair Used:
Ya Man! Afro Kinky Marley Braid
100% Kanekalon fiber
Color: M1B/33
-- The color in the pack looks dark...but in really good lighting, its a lighter brown with golden lights. Next time I'm getting 1B

*******I forgot to take pictures of it before it was cut. Sorry. *********

the top looks kinda fake but when I manuver it doesnt look like it so much

This is the second day of wearing the hair. I've already slept on it.. The hair grows ya'll .. and don't let the wind touch it cuz than its ov-ah haha

Tell me what you think.

Happy New Year. 2013 Resolutions: Winelover! Review

On Sale for $9.96, 13% alcohol

$,8.75, 13.5% alcohol

$8.10, 9% alcohol

On Sale: $8.99, 13.5%

More Wine Reviews coming soon .... yummmy