
Disenchanted with Education

The Midevil Crime Museum in Rothenburg, GE 2010

lowkey I'm definitely considering becoming that 50 year traveling gypsy woman with partial credit in 15 different masters programs.

ps. Lady Gaga was AMAZING! pictures & videos coming soon
pss. check out my newest youtube vid


Just realized I need a Swimsuit

No couch surfing or exclusive inexpensive rentals on the beach or staying at the cheapest motels.

Yesterday Sam said --in reply to my wanting to couchsurf- "No, because I don't want to have Matt Laurer asking me Why didn't I stop you or do more, when they find your body chopped up in small pieces. So you can get fussy but I'd rather you find a inexpensive quality hostel and stay there vs sleeping on somone's couch."

Cute right?

It's weird to have someone worried for you. Concerned about your well-being 24/7. It's also strange that there is another person who gets to make life-decisions with/for you. Sam has been telling me "No" and "I don't like that" quite a bit recently. So we sat down yesterday and talked this out.

Before when we were dating I lived 2 hours away and I traveled all the time. Visiting people, attending local events/parties, and random sleepovers --if the train had already stopped.

After we got married my travels slowed down a lot. To focus on the marriage and build a foundation. It was super hard and distressing because I like my freedom and I love traveling. Of course you can imagine the heated debates centered on these two words; freedom/travel. Yet, Sam and I are trying to compromise and I think this SE Asia adventure trip (I really need to think of a cooler name) is going to be a huge test.

Ps. In other news my ipod touch is broke AGAIN. The screen buttons wasn't working and so I tried to fix it... and now it looks quite disgusting.

Pss. I really need to finish up my grad school course. This was by far an easy class but I didn't do well in it. I'm sure I'll be getting a C, but hopefully it'll be a low B. I'm not going to ask the professor for extra credit, mainly because I chose not to apply myself and I wallowed in procrastination. It sucks but hey thats how the cookie crumbles. I'm realizing graduate school is nothing like undergraduate.

Psss. Couchsurfing like all hostels, hotels, motels, guesthouses, can be quite dangerous if you don't do your research. Check out the legit non-profit website and read up on the members who offer a bed/room/cot to travelers. I know several people who have CS'd in the states/abroad and they had a great experience. http://www.couchsurfing.org/

Pssss. Anyone know of any inexpensive but cute one piece or tankinis?



Guilty Paradise

Sam (the hubby) is watching a Mike Epps stand up comedy show... so far I'm not impressed. Granted my attention is more focused on deciding between hostels & guesthouses for my Southeast Asia adventure. May 29-June 3 I'll  be splitting my time between Cebu, Philippines & Bangkok, Thailand with one of my bff's PT.

I'm super excited but my excitement is also tinged with guilt. Before we got married Sam was planning to visit Togo with his elder sister but we decided to put the trip on hold due to unknown finances, and also I might've been secretly envious that Sam would be off adventuring while I'd be stuck in the states.

Skip to a few months later and I've convinced PT to fly out to SK for a couple weeks and in turn she asked for some Asian country hopping. Sam than surprised me with purchasing my ticket to Cebu as an early 25th bday gift, which is super awesome. Unfortunately and quite typical, I took advantage of Sam's gift and also purchased a quick trip to Bangkok........ eeeeeekkkk

After a mind altering discussion about sacrifices, equality, awareness of finances, etc, etc... including me attempting to cancel or sell my Bangkok tickets... we came to an agreement. I'm still going on my trip .....yay! I know PT was nervous and upset when I messaged her with the dramatics.

So I'm excited for Southeast Asia... but now after spending 455$ for Cebu (Cebupacific.com) & 380 for Bangkok (expedia.com) --both roundtrip-- I'm doing crazy research on how to keep my overall spending under 1500$...

Seriously for lodging & food & the occasional tour... I'm pretty sure I can keep my spending under $600 .. if I can't than there is something wrong me. Actually I'm going to make that $400 .. if my research is right than the Philipines/Thailand cost of living is pretty cheap... and eating street food is like $3 a day. Hmm maybe I can make this work. I know how to backpack...

The only thing standing in my way is PT's love for comfort --resorts-- lol .. but with a little convincing I think we can make it happen. :)

So it's 37 days till our adventure and I'll try my best to keep the blog updated. I have a new laptop so that makes life easier...

Ps... my new fave travel blog, featuring married couple Asia & Russell who blog their Asian travels--providing me with so much inspiration http://www.ourfirst100days.com/blog/

Pss... Little Monsters--- Only 5 days until the LADY GAGA BORN THIS WAY BALL... going with my Sam of course :) have no idea what to wear.. double of course!!

Psss---Saturday night 70s/80s Party with my friends.. Add me on facebook for more pics