So I always balk at these quizzes because they are underwhelming and consume a lot of time. However I gave in for the night. Although I will delete them off my facebook. I like my privacy duh... But I wanted to post them here in remembrance. :D
ps... why can't these people spell on these quizzes?? What ever happened to spell check! gee whiz
--What Decade Fits Your Personality Best?
****1940s: You are the ultimate romantic at heart. You put a high priority on true love, patriotism, and dedication to honor and duty. Whether it be serving your country or serving your family, you have a very hard work-ethic balanced out by your whimsical, dreamy heart.
You are willing to take risks, go where no one has gone before, and you have a sense of pride in everything you do. Just as you are in touch with your inner beauty, you also give just the right amount of focus on your outer beauty-- standing out with the latest fashions and getting in touch with your sensual side.
Your sexiness is not scandalous but rather classy and poised. You are the envy of those around you because no matter how much tough work you have to do, you keep a smile and look good while doing it.****